
Company Objectives

We have set ourselves the following objectives:

1. To create an innovative, yet fun chocolate based product that will be attractive to both children and adults.
2. We will develop a strong, closely linked team of motivated individuals, drawn from two different high schools. We shall support, encourage and develop as INDIVIDUALS and a TEAM during this experience.
3. We will invest our own time and money into this business with the aim of making a healthy profit.
4. We shall represent our schools and sixth form with pride; we come into this process with the objective of winning the competition.

We shall review our objectives on a regular basis. Our first review will be following the Christmas sales events, we shall then review them following the February trade fair, and finally we shall review our objectives at the end of the competition. Following each review we shall amend and change our objectives to meet any fresh challenges we may encounter.

Business Advisors

Mick Rees

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Ann Randall
Chief Executive

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